8 Best Herbs for Headaches

Are you tired of dealing with pounding headaches? Look no further than the power of herbs to provide relief.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of using herbal remedies for headaches and introduce you to the eight best herbs for headaches that can alleviate your symptoms.

Types of Headaches

herbs for headaches

There are different types of headaches that can be relieved with herbs. One common type is the migraine headache, which can cause intense throbbing pain and sensitivity to light and sound. To find headache relief, you can try using herbal remedies such as feverfew or butterbur. These herbs have been found to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines.

Another type of headache is the tension headache, which often feels like a tight band around your head. For tension headache relief, you might consider using herbal remedies like lavender or peppermint oil. These oils can be applied topically or inhaled for quick soothing effects.

Overall, incorporating herbal remedies into your routine may provide natural headache relief. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new herbal remedy regimen to ensure it is safe and effective for you.

Benefits of Using Herbal Remedies for Headaches

If you suffer from tension headaches or want a natural remedy to alleviate headache symptoms, consider trying herbal treatments such as herbal tea.

Herbal tea is known for its relaxing properties and can help reduce the intensity and frequency of tension headaches. By incorporating herbs like chamomile, lavender, or peppermint into your daily routine, you can calm your mind and relieve stress-induced headaches.

These natural remedies also have anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe headache pain without any harsh side effects.

8 Best Herbs for Headaches to Alleviate Headache Symptoms


If you’re looking for natural ways to alleviate headache symptoms, there are several herbs that can help.

1. Peppermint

Peppermint can be an effective natural remedy for headaches. If you’re suffering from headache pain, consider using peppermint oil as a solution.

This popular herb has been used in herbal medicine for centuries to alleviate various ailments, including headaches. Its soothing and cooling properties can help relieve tension and reduce inflammation that often contribute to headache symptoms.

Peppermint oil contains menthol, which acts as a natural analgesic and muscle relaxant, providing quick relief from headache discomfort. Simply apply a few drops of diluted peppermint oil to your temples or forehead and gently massage it in.

Alternatively, you can inhale the aroma of peppermint essential oils by placing a few drops on a tissue or using a diffuser.

Give this natural remedy a try and experience the power of peppermint in relieving your headache woes!

2. Willow Bark

To find relief for your headache, consider trying willow bark, which has been used for centuries as a natural remedy. Willow bark is an herbal supplement known for its pain-relieving properties. If you suffer from chronic migraines or want to prevent future migraines, willow bark may be worth considering.

This ancient remedy contains a compound called salicin, which is similar to the active ingredient found in aspirin. Salicin helps reduce inflammation and relieve pain associated with headaches. Studies have shown that willow bark can effectively alleviate headache symptoms and provide long-term relief.

It is important to note that while willow bark can be beneficial, it may not work for everyone or may interact with certain medications. As always, it’s best to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new herbal supplement regimen.

3. Feverfew

When trying to manage your migraines, consider giving feverfew a try as it has been shown to help reduce the frequency and intensity of these debilitating headaches.

Feverfew, a herb with medicinal properties, can be taken in various forms such as capsules or herbal tinctures.

It is believed that feverfew works by inhibiting the release of certain chemicals in the brain that are involved in migraine attacks.

For migraine sufferers, taking feverfew regularly may lead to fewer migraine episodes and less severe symptoms.

While research on feverfew’s effectiveness is ongoing, many individuals have reported positive results when using this herb for their migraines.

If you’re tired of dealing with frequent migraines, give feverfew a chance and see if it brings you relief from these painful headaches.

4. Valerian

Valerian, a natural remedy known for its calming properties, can be used to help promote better sleep and alleviate insomnia.

But did you know that valerian can also be beneficial for persistent headaches? If you suffer from cluster headaches or experience muscle tension that often leads to headaches, valerian might just be the herb you need.

Valerian works by relaxing the muscles and reducing tension in the body, which can help alleviate headache symptoms. Its sedative effects may also help in relieving pain and promoting relaxation.

Whether taken as a tea or in supplement form, valerian can be a useful addition to your arsenal of herbs for headaches. So why not give it a try and see if it brings you some much-needed relief?

5. Chamomile

If Valerian didn’t quite do the trick for your headache, don’t worry – there’s another herb that may help.

Have you ever tried chamomile tea? Chamomile is often praised for its calming properties, but it can also be effective in reducing headaches.

Whether you’re dealing with a stress headache or a more severe one, chamomile can provide some relief. The soothing properties of this herb can help ease tension and promote relaxation, which are key factors in relieving headaches.

Brew yourself a cup of chamomile tea and sip it slowly. Take a moment to relax and let the warm drink work its magic on your headache.

You might find that this simple herbal remedy brings you the relief you’ve been searching for.

6. Lavender

Lavender can be a soothing and aromatic option for promoting relaxation and reducing tension. If you suffer from headaches, lavender oil could be a helpful remedy to try. This essential oil has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to alleviate headaches and calm the mind.

You can apply a few drops of lavender oil onto your temples or inhale its aroma through steam inhalation. Another option is to drink peppermint tea infused with dried lavender flowers, which can help soothe headache symptoms.

Lavender’s calming properties may also aid in relieving stress-related tension headaches. So, if you’re looking for natural alternatives to manage your headaches, consider incorporating lavender into your routine and enjoy its therapeutic benefits.

7. Rosemary

Rosemary can be a flavorful and aromatic addition to your culinary creations, adding depth and richness to your dishes. But did you know that it can also help relieve headaches?

Rosemary has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various ailments, including headaches. Its active compounds have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain and tension in the head.

To use rosemary for headache relief, you can brew a tea using fresh or dried rosemary leaves. You can also combine it with other herbs like lemon balm, ginger, peppermint, or green tea for added benefits. Simply steep the herbs in hot water for about 10 minutes and enjoy this soothing drink whenever you feel a headache coming on.

8. Skullcap

Skullcap, also known as Scutellaria, is a medicinal plant commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine for its calming and stress-relieving properties. Traditional Chinese medicine has long recognized the effectiveness of skullcap in treating various types of headaches. If you suffer from sinus headaches, incorporating skullcap into your routine may provide some relief.

According to the American Headache Society, sinus headaches can cause intense pain and pressure around the forehead, cheeks, and eyes. Skullcap’s anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation in the sinuses, thereby alleviating headache symptoms. Additionally, its calming effects may help relax tense muscles and promote overall relaxation.

To use skullcap for your sinus headache, consider drinking it as a tea or taking it in supplement form after consulting with a healthcare professional familiar with traditional Chinese medicine practices.

How to Use Herbs for Headaches

To use herbal remedies for headaches effectively, follow these three steps:

1. Select the Right Herb

Choose an herbal remedy that matches your headache type and preferences. Common options include peppermint oil for its cooling effect, ginger for its anti-inflammatory properties, or chamomile tea for relaxation. Take any allergies or sensitivities into account and consult a healthcare professional if you have underlying health conditions.

2. Prepare and Administer the Remedy

Depending on your chosen herb:

  • For essential oils (e.g., peppermint or lavender), dilute a few drops in a carrier oil and massage onto your temples or neck.
  • For herbal teas (e.g., ginger or chamomile), steep the herb in hot water for 10 minutes, strain, and sip slowly.
  • For herbal supplements, follow the recommended dosage on the product label or your healthcare provider’s advice.
  • If using topical compresses, apply them as instructed, or practice acupressure on specific points.

3. Monitor and Adjust

Pay attention to how your body responds to the herbal remedy. Relief may vary among individuals. Keep a record of your headache symptoms and remedy effectiveness. If your headache persists, worsens, or you experience adverse reactions, discontinue the remedy and consult a healthcare professional. Always follow dosing and safety guidelines specific to your chosen herbal remedy to ensure safe and effective relief.

You can also learn how to do herbal drinks to relieve headaches from below video.


What is the best herb for a headache?

Now that you know how to use herbal remedies for headaches, let’s dive into the question of what is the best herb for a headache.

One of the most effective herbs for relieving headaches is feverfew. It has been used for centuries to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Feverfew works by reducing the release of chemicals in the brain that cause blood vessels to constrict, leading to headaches. You can find feverfew in various forms such as capsules, teas, or even fresh leaves.

Another herb worth considering is peppermint. Its cooling properties help relax muscles and relieve tension headaches. Peppermint oil can be applied topically or diluted in a carrier oil and massaged onto your temples for quick relief.

How can I reduce my headache naturally?

If you’re looking for natural ways to reduce a headache, there are several options you can try.

First, you could apply a cold or warm compress to your forehead or the back of your neck. This can help alleviate the pain and relax tense muscles.

Another option is to drink plenty of water as dehydration can contribute to headaches.

Additionally, certain herbs like peppermint, lavender, and ginger have been known to provide relief. You could try drinking a cup of herbal tea made from these herbs or inhaling their essential oils.

Lastly, practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or meditation may also help relieve your headache naturally.

Remember to listen to your body and find what works best for you!

What spice gets rid of headaches?

Drinking a cup of herbal tea made with ginger or inhaling its essential oil may help alleviate headaches. Ginger, a versatile spice, has been used for centuries to treat various ailments including headaches. By stimulating blood circulation and reducing inflammation, ginger can provide relief from the throbbing pain in your head.

You can brew a cup of ginger tea by steeping fresh ginger slices in hot water for about 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can add a few drops of ginger essential oil to a diffuser and inhale the aroma to ease your headache.

Remember that while ginger is generally safe, it’s always best to consult with your healthcare provider if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medication before using it as a remedy for headaches.

What vitamins and herbs are good for headaches?

You can find relief from your headaches by incorporating vitamins and certain natural remedies into your routine.

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, has been shown to reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines. You can increase your intake of this vitamin by consuming foods like eggs, dairy products, and leafy green vegetables.

Another important vitamin for headache relief is magnesium. It helps relax blood vessels and reduce inflammation in the brain. Foods rich in magnesium include nuts, seeds, whole grains, and dark chocolate.

Additionally, certain herbal remedies have been found to be effective in relieving headaches. Feverfew and butterbur are two herbs that have been used for centuries to treat migraines. They work by reducing inflammation and improving blood flow to the brain.

Incorporating these vitamins and herbs into your daily routine may provide you with the much-needed relief from your headaches.


So, the next time you find yourself with a pounding headache, consider turning to herbal remedies. With their natural healing properties, herbs can provide relief and alleviate your symptoms without the side effects of over-the-counter medications.

From feverfew to peppermint, these eight herbs have been shown to effectively combat headaches. By incorporating them into your routine and following the recommended usage methods, you can reduce your reliance on painkillers and find natural relief for your headaches.

Take control of your health and try using herbal remedies today!

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